
1/4/12 – But there is good news too…

2012-01-04 Why is it that when we are in the hospital Sean always wakes up at 6am?! Been at CHOA since yesterday….he woke up around 1am yesterday with a stomach bug and by 3am we were in the ER to get IV fluids and meds because he couldn’t keep his steroids down. They ended up making us stay overnight to keep an eye on him (erroring on the side of caution because of his surpressed immune system). He is doing much better so we hope to go home today. If he can come off the nausea meds and keep down his steroids we are out of here…. pray!

– 8:15 pm

Got the “short version” results from last week’s MRI while we were in the hospital today. ALL CLEAR!! Will get the full details on the 11th when we meet again with the onoclogist. I would do my happy dance but I am just too sleepy…. you guys dance for me. 🙂 Oh, and we are home now! 🙂
